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my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,
saith the LORD. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are
my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts (Is 55; 8-9)
A Place of Fellowship -
- is a
charismatic community. To grow in the knowledge of God is our
main purpose. We want to be involved in God’s plans.
goal of the Place of Fellowship is to lead the believer in touch and
in close relationship with the Father, Jesus Christ and the Holy
Spirit. As individual believers and as a Christian community we want
to be open to the Holy Spirit and to the continuous renewal
influenced by the Holy Spirit.
We let God affect and guide us and we do what and go where the Holy
Spirit leads us, be it either as individuals or as the Place of
Fellowship -community. We believe that God’s power and the Gospel
will spread around through individuals.
We encourage everyone to
personal renewal in the Spirit so that it becomes a reality in
personal, everyday life, as well as in the Fellowship.
basis of the Discipleship is that the Holy Spirit has renewed the
spirit of the individual believer. The Holy Spirit will then birth
the true connection among and the spiritual growth of the believers.
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